

What is TuxFamily ?
TuxFamily is a non-profit organization that provides free services for projects which deals with the free software philosophy (free as in free speech, not as in free beer). All projects licenced with any libre licence are accepted, for example GPL, BSD, CC-BY-SA, Art Libre, ...

What kind of services do you provide ?
A lot ! you can find a list here : http://www.tuxfamily.org/en/presentation

What are hosted people and how can I become one of those lucky guys ?
Whell, they are guys who have a Free software related project. We host a lot of Softwares but also some nice Creative commons creations.
Just read this page http://www.tuxfamily.org/en/subscribe to be sure that your project can be hosted on TF, register on the panel and you are all set !

Is that it ? Is it really free ?
Yhen you ask for a project, you have to fill a description to describe it and to give the licenses used. Your project have to be moderated by the crew before you can do anything on TF. Once your project is validated, you will never have to pay anything.

Huh ? where do you got all those nice servers and internet accesses if you are not asking for money?
The servers and bandwidth come mainly from gift to the association. We also have a paypal account so happy user can donate if they want to.
The administrators also give a lot of personal hardware to keep the servers up to date.

Is TuxFamily reliable ?
It seems to be :) you can follow the issues and update on http://www.tuxfamily.info/

What kind of system and bandwidth do you have ?
we actually have 13 servers running under Debian, located in 4 different data centers.
We have a gigabyte connection for the download repositories, 100Mb/sec for the web services and 100Mb/sec for the games

Who is behind TuxFamily ?
actually, 6 guys are working to keep TuxFamily up and running : 4 administrators and 2 Moderators
You can see us here : http://www.tuxfamily.org/en/about

What is the panel ? where does it come from ?
The VHFFS panel is mainly developed by the TuxFamily crew. More details here : http://www.vhffs.org/

Hey ? why is there only 9 questions ?
Because, this was the last one :)
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