

  ListeFaq FaqInscription >>

So, you just subscribed and you have the mail with your username and password.

Congratulations and welcome on TuxFamily ;)

first, you have to login on the panel

use the login provided in the inscription mail.

Then, go in the User's Preferences, and check if everything is correct. If not, please provide right informations about yourself, we won't use them
for commercial use or whatever.

You can have a mail @tuxfamily.org if you want to.

this address can be a redirection or a real mail box according to your needs.

Just check the right box and validate.

Important : when you first create a mail account, you have to send a mail to this account to activate it !

If you choose to have a real mailbox, you can check your mail using the server you prefer :

  • http://webmail.tuxfamily.org
  • https://webmail.tuxfamily.org (ssl)
  • pop.tuxfamily.org,
  • pops.tuxfamily.org (ssl),
  • imap.tuxfamily.org,
  • imaps.tuxfamily.org (ssl)

  • Of course, your login on those servers is the same that your panel login. This is why we recommand you to use the secure servers of the list.

    TuxFamily will not provide a smtp server. Please use your ISP's servers to send emails.

    If you get the following error while connecting to the webmail :
    ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server. => you forgot to send a message to your new mailbox (you have been warned !)

    Have fun :)
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