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The Hitchhiker's Guide to TuxFamily


Here are some tricks you might want to read before registering on the panel

Each time a description is required, please take the time to write something nice : about 5-10 lines, explaining your project and the license you are using to distribute it. Complete descriptions accelerate the moderation process !
Please read AllAboutModo

Connecting on our servers

To register your domains

To manage your databases :

To check your mails :

Managing your group

Création et gestion des espaces WEB

"Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was
unable to complete your request."

Ceci peut être du à un probleme de droits sur vos fichiers. En effet, other ne doit pas avoir le droit d'ecriture sur vos fichiers (par soucis de sécurite). Pensez à faire un chmod 775 sur vos fichiers.

Gestion de vos mails

Gestion des Mailing-list


Transfert FTP

Import MySQL

Problemes de quotas

Allez faire un tours sur cette page: http://faq.tuxfamily.org/wakka.php?wiki=QuotaProblem
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