

games.tuxfamily.net > Presentation Games for Tuxfamily.org < JeuxTuxFamily

Open Arena



Connection configuration

Standard advices

Keys / game strategy

Documentations / links

http://tldp.org/HOWTO/archived/Game-Server-HOWTO/quake3.html [en] configuring a server
http://www.gameaholic.com/games/quake3/console/ [en] console commands

Additionnal mods

Server configuration

http://forums.grsecurity.net/viewtopic.php?p=2568 use chpax do this to disable pax noexec protection on quake 3: chpax -sp /home/games/quake3/q3ded

http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/q3a/ [en] known issues
The following error is corrected with seta net_ip "" (there were 3 IP possibles, each corresponding to a network interface)
Not authorizing client due to lack of auth server
awaiting challenge 1 2 3 ...

starting the server
cd openarena
./ioq3ded.i386 +set dedicated 2 +exec configtf.cfg

vstr m1 enables maps rotation.


seta net_ip ""
set sv_hostname "Tuxfamily.org games.tuxfamily.net"
set sv_maxclients 10
set g_motd "Welcome at http://games.tuxfamily.net enjoy!"
set g_forcerespawn 15
set rconpassword "password"
set g_gametype 1
set fraglimit 50
set timelimit 20

//Here's the map-cycle. When fraglimit or timelimit is reached, the map is automatically changed.
//Otherwise it would just play the same map again.
// dir map shows (keeping only files with extension .bsp):
// aggressor.bsp
// cbctf1.bsp
// ce1m7.bsp
// dm4ish.bsp
// dm6ish.bsp
// kaos.bsp
// oa_bases3.bsp
// oa_rpg3dm2.bsp
// q3dm6ish.bsp
// void4.bsp
set m1 "map aggressor; set nextmap vstr m2"
set m2 "map cbctf1; set nextmap vstr m3"
set m3 "map ce1m7; set nextmap vstr m4"
set m4 "map dm4ish; set nextmap vstr m5"
set m5 "map dm6ish; set nextmap vstr m6"
set m6 "map kaos; set nextmap vstr m7"
set m7 "map oa_bases3; set nextmap vstr m8"
set m8 "map oa_rpg3dm2; set nextmap vstr m9"
set m9 "map q3dm6ish; set nextmap vstr m10"
set m10 "map void4; set nextmap vstr m1"
// begin game DM (deathmatch)
// g_gametype - Gametype 1 for 1vs1, 2 for DeathMatch, 4 for  CTF
set g_gametype 2
vstr m1

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