see original at
TuxFamily offers you :
- A full administration panel for all services and web browsers (English, French & Spanish)
- 100 MB storage for each of your Free Software project
- Service access management, with a users/groups system (UNIX-like users / groups management)
- Many web areas
- Use of PHP4, SQL and SSI (SHTML)
- Usage statistics (daily updated) for each web space
- URL are like and or you can use your own domain name ( (NIC costs are paid by you).
- Many MySQL databases (with online administration tools : phpMyAdmin)
- Many PostgreSQL databases (with online administration tools : phpPgAdmin)
- Many CVS / SVN repositories that can be accessed via ssh+http (with multi-users management), anonymous access and web
- If you own one or more domains : illimited mails accounts and aliases, webmail for mails management, domain management (DNS).
- An e-mail (POP3 / IMAP)
Hosting is completely free (as in free beer) and does oblige you to display ads or any other annoyance. The only rules to be respected are the following ones:
- TuxFamily offer a free and unlimited-time hosting dedicated exclusively to development, production, documentation, information, promotion and spread of the Free Software philosophy (see pages). Hosting for any other website will be SYSTEMATICALLY rejected.
- Are considered Free Software those softwares under license GPL, BSD, and any other license enabling free use (as in freedom), compilation, distribution and modification of source code (and distribution of these modifications). TuxFamily is not responsible of the content of hosted website. The hosted person is responsible for it. The person, either physical or corporate body, that has registered is held responsible for the content of all websites managed by this account.
- The proposed service does not include any guarantee. The technical means provided (article 1) are servers, routers and firewalls. Other services can be added afterwards. Addition or suppression fo some servers is done following "all or nothing" rule. As a matter-of-fact, when a service is added or suppressed, this modification is to be applicable for the whole community.
- Elemental rules of conduct apply permanently. Administrators and moderators can - without any advance warning - reject any hosted person who does not respect the above conditions, following the rule : warning then exclusion.
- The hosted person must unquestionably commit oneself to respect French and international law (criminality, theft, copyright, intellectual property, respect for human rights...)
- Commercial websites are FORBIDDEN.
- Any request to create or modify your hosting will be moderated. Services like the database are not active by default, hence it's necessary to ask for it and justify your motivation (for evident reason of technical capacity). Extending the quota for disk-space is possible on request.
- As a precision for article 4). All files stored in the space provided have to be accessible, any attemp to hide a file will lead to an exclusion.
- The hosted person accepts that TuxFamily has the right to check the content of the website.
- In order to guarantee an optimal-quality service, you are required :
- To respect the hardware made available to you
- To remain polite, not only with administrators but with other hosted people too.
- Not to MISUSE the free service and open unnecessary accounts
- To accept some unavailabilities sometimes (maintenance, updates, crashes...)
I accept your conditions because I know that my ambitions correspond to your conditions ! So let's do it !